New Dance Horizons

New Dance Horizons is Saskatchewan's only professional dance company. Founded in 1986 by Robin Poitras and Dianne Fraser, its mandate is to support the creation, development, production and presentation of contemporary dance and related performing arts in the province. This is achieved through three main strands: NDH INTEMPCO, Performing Series, and Learning and Teaching series. NDH INTEMPCO is a project-based company dedicated to the celebration of original work by artistic director Robin Poitras. A foundation for creation, production and touring, it also supports co-productions with local and national dance artists. At least one new original work has been produced each season, including the Pelican Project, a series of processional performances by youth as well as established and emerging artists. The Performing Series features the works of guest choreographers and dancers such as édouard Locke, Marie Chouinard, Davida Monk, Benoit Lachambre, Jocelyne Montpetit, and Daniel Leveille. This strand was expanded in 2001 to include the biannual Stream of Dance Festival, featuring contemporary prairie dance in a national and international context. The Learning and Teaching Series provides the community with workshops, lectures and residencies involving guest instructors. Guided by an advisory committee composed of local dance professionals, its many initiatives have included visiting artist programs with elementary and high school arts educators, and creative and technical training workshops offered in collaboration with local dance schools. Poitras has been the sole artistic director since 1991. In its inaugural year, the company had a budget of just $5,150; currently it tops $300,000.

Barb Cameron

Further Reading

Cameron, B. 1998. A History of the Professional Dance Companies That Have Existed in Saskatchewan Since 1905. Saskatoon: Dance Saskatchewan.