College of Physicians and Surgeons of Saskatchewan

The College of Physicians and Surgeons of Saskatchewan continued the work of its North-West Territories predecessor in 1905. The College regulates the practice of medicine in the public interest. This is accomplished through licensure of physicians, setting standards for their work, receiving complaints, and dealing with aberrant physicians in an educational or disciplinary fashion. The major committees, established under the bylaws, are the Advisory Committee on Medical Imaging, the Anaesthetic and Operative Deaths Study Committee, the Complaints Resolution Advisory Committee, the Perinatal and Maternal Mortality Study Committee, and the Health Care Facilities Credentialling Committee.

In carrying out its duties, the College interacts provincially with a number of agencies such as Saskatchewan Health, Regional Health Authorities, the Saskatchewan Association of Health Organizations (SAHO), the Saskatchewan Medical Association, and a number of national and international organizations.

In recent years the College has become more proactive in its efforts to prevent patient harm by extracting information from complaints or critical incidents. This information is then applied to prevent future adverse outcomes.

Lowell Loewen