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Jul 20, 1905 - The Saskatchewan Act, creating the new Province of Saskatchewan, received royal assent.
Sports and Recreation
Theme Essays related to this Subject
Alexander, John F. (1942-) Baker, Mary (1918- 2003) Baseball Bentley Brothers: Douglas (1916- 72), Maxwell
(1920-84) Boldt, Arnold (1957-) Catherwood, Ethel (1908-87) Clarke, Bill (1932-2000) Cleveland, Reggie (1948-) Competitive Games Curling Currie, Gordon (1923-) Dewar, Phyllis (1916-61) Dojack, Paul (1914-2007) Donison Brothers: Lee (1928-), Danny (1932-), Sebastian “Butch” (1937-) Duwors, Maureen (1938-) Figure Skating Folk, Rick (1950-) Football Francis, Emile (1926-) Genereux, George (1935-89) Gerein, Clayton (1964-) Gillies, Clark (1954-) Golf Goulet, Joanne (1935-) Hall, Glenn (1931-) Hockey Howe, Gordie (1928-) Hunter, William Dickenson (1920- 2002) Irvin, James Dickinson, Jr. (Dick) (1932-) James, Gerry (1934-) Jerome, Harry (1940-82) Jewitt-Filteau, Nancy (1962-) |
Jones Konihowski, Diane (1951-) Lancaster, Ron (1938-2008) Lawson, Patricia (1929-) Le May Doan, Catriona (1970-) Mitchell, Marjorie (1948-83) Moore, Kenneth Strath (1910-1982) Mueller, Margaret (1942-) Murray, Athol (1892-1975) Puhl, Terry (1956-) Reed, George (1939-) Regina Dales Richardson, Ernie (1931-) Ritchie, Alvin Horace (1890-1966) Roney, Keith (1948-) Saskatchewan Roughriders Saskatchewan Sports Hall of Fame and Museum Schmirler, Sandra (1963-2000) Schwann, Paul (1933-74) Shore, Edward William (1902-85) Singer, Stacy (1977-) Soccer Sports and Recreation in Saskatchewan - History Swimming Tennis Track and Field Trottier, Bryan (1956-) University Sports Walton, Dorothy (1909-81) Wickenheiser, Hayley (1978-) Williams, Lynn (1960-) Young Men's Christian Association (YMCA) |
This web site was produced with financial assistance
provided by Western Economic Diversification Canada and the Government of Saskatchewan. |
Ce site Web a été conçu grâce à l'aide financière de Diversification de l'économie de l'Ouest Canada et le gouvernement de la Saskatchewan. |