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Jul 20, 1997 - First Saskatchewan portion of Trans Canada Trail opened at Douglas Provincial Park. At 15 000 km, it will be the longest trail of its kind in the world.
ContribuTor List
Galenzoski, Bonnie Gallagher, Patricia Gallen, Verna Garcea, Joseph Garnett, Ron (Airscapes) Garside, Kay Gartner, Gerald Gartner, Gerry Gauthier, David A. Gebhard, Krzysztof Gehl, David Gera, Patti Geraghty, Paul (Royal Saskatchewan Museum) Gerin, Annie Germann, C. Gerritsen, Maria L. Gignac, Victor Gilmer, Peter Gilmour, Gordon Goddard, Gordon Goldie, J. Kenneth |
Goldman, Lyn Gollop, Mike Goodwill, Ken Grajczyk, Martin Grant, Ted (Tourism Saskatchewan) Gratto-Trevor., Cheri L. Greenfield, David Greg Marchildon and Sid Robinson photo Gregoire, Nestor Grenfell Museum, The Greuel, William Groenen, Harry Gruending, Dennis Gruszka, John Guenther, Bruce Guenther, Bruce L. Guillet, Paul Gulka, William Gullacher, Kathleen Gustin, Richard (Saskatchewan Archives Board) |
This web site was produced with financial assistance
provided by Western Economic Diversification Canada and the Government of Saskatchewan. |
Ce site Web a été conçu grâce à l'aide financière de Diversification de l'économie de l'Ouest Canada et le gouvernement de la Saskatchewan. |